Magical Midlands Meander Tour

The Midlands Meander is a lush green area situated in the heart of Kwazulu Natal. Sport n Safari offers three day tours in this beautiful region. 

The Gold Tour

No visit to the Midlands Meander can go without a stop at the famous Mandela Capture Site monument. The gold tour takes you on a cultural visit in the Midlands, including a real zulu experience and a wonderful musical event you won’t soon forget. (Wednesdays only)

The Green Tour

Arts and Crafts are the theme of today’s tour. 


The Black Tour

The Black tour takes you on a one-day safari trip to a big five private game reserve. The park is a three hour drive from Durban and in malaria-free area! After an early start and brunch, a three hour safari is awaiting for you. Experienced guides will share their knowledge and love of the African bush.